Practical Next.js & React – Build a real WebApp with Next.js [FREE]

Free Certification Course Title: Practical Next.js & React – Build a real WebApp with Next.js

Build Fullstack WebApp with Next.js, React, and Strapi backend. Storybook components library. Practical Next.js & React

Practical Next.js & React - Build a real WebApp with Next.js


What you’ll learn:

  • Learn core NextJS pre-rendering, SSR, data fetching, routing
  • Create real projects with unique components library, styled-components and Storybook
  • Learn how to build fullstack ReactJS apps with NextJS
  • The latest ecosystem of a NextJS from the ground
  • Create a backend with Strapi and learn fullstack development with NextJS


  • Javascript skills will be necessary
  • ReactJS is strongly recommended
  • Basic Typescript knowledge


Learn how to build a real Fullstack web application with React & Next.js + Typescript!

Next.js gives you the best developer experience with all the features you need for production: hybrid static & server rendering, TypeScript support, smart bundling, route pre-fetching, etc. No config is required.

Next.js is the production-ready, framework for React JS!

Data fetching in Next.js allows you to render content in different ways. These include pre-rendering with Server-side Rendering or Static Generation, and updating or creating content at runtime with Incremental Static Regeneration. It can make your applications very fast!

Who this course is for:

  • React developers who want to build production React apps
  • Developers who want to build fullstack React apps
  • Web developers in general, who want to learn one of the most popular tech stacks

How to Subscribe For Practical Next.js & React – Build a real WebApp with Next.js?

  1. Sign Up on
  2. Subscribe Here(Practical Next.js & React – Build a real WebApp with Next.js): Click Here

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