Practical CSS3 Flexbox Media Queries & CSS Grid Mastery [FREE]

Free Certification Course Title: Practical CSS3 Flexbox Media Queries & CSS Grid Mastery

Learn to build responsive websites with the help of CSS3 Flexbox, CSS Grid, Media Queries & how to use Git and Github

Practical CSS3 Flexbox Media Queries & CSS Grid Mastery

What you’ll learn:

  • You will learn about responsive web design and development
  • You will learn all concepts of Flexbox and how to use them
  • You will learn the concepts of Media Queries and how to use them
  • You will learn CSS Grid and how to use it for responsive web design
  • You will learn to use HTML and CSS3
  • You will learn the basics of Git and Github, commit your code to github
  • You will learn to use Visual Studio Code editor and related extension


  • No Programming Knowledge

Who this course is for:

  • Any one who wants to learn how to create a responsive website


In the course, you will learn all the concepts of flexbox and media queries.

We will learn all the concepts with the help of code examples.

Following are the topics we will cover:

1.1-Installing VS Code and Server extension

1.2-Introduction to Flexbox

1.3-Setup index.html and style.css files

1.4- Reset margin padding box-sizing on universal operator

1.5-Styling the Boxes

1.6-Apply display flex on parent

1.7-Flex Direction row row-reverse column column-reverse

1.8-Flex grow shrink

2.1-Justify Content Flex Start

2.2-Justify Content Flex End

2.3-Justify Content Center

2.4-Justify Content Space-Around

2.5-Justify Content Space-Between

This course includes:

  • 2 hours on-demand video
  • 1 article
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

How to Subscribe for Practical CSS3 Flexbox Media Queries & CSS Grid Mastery?

  1. Sign Up on
  2. Subscribe Here(Practical CSS3 Flexbox Media Queries & CSS Grid Mastery): Click Here

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