Python with NumPy For Absolute Beginners [FREE]

Free Certification Course Title: Python with NumPy For Absolute Beginners

Learn Python & Numpy with simple videos in just 2 hour

Python with NumPy For Absolute Beginners

What you’ll learn:

  • Understanding Python Numpy basics in just 1 hour


  • Python Programming


NumPy is a basic level external library in Python used for complex mathematical operations. NumPy overcomes slower executions with the use of multi-dimensional array objects. It has built-in functions for manipulating arrays. We can convert different algorithms to can into functions for applying on arrays. NumPy has applications that are not only limited to itself. It is a very diverse library and has a wide range of applications in other sectors. Numpy can be put to use along with Data Science, Data Analysis and Machine Learning. It is also a base for other python libraries. These libraries use the functionalities in NumPy to increase their capabilities.

You will learn following topics :

1) Creating Arrays using Numpy in Python

2) Accessing Arrays using Numpy in Python

3) Finding Dimension of the Array using Numpy in Python

4) Negative Indexing on Arrays using Numpy in Python

5) Slicing an Array using Numpy in Python

6) Checking Datatype of an Array using Numpy in Python

7) Copying an Array using Numpy in Python

8) Iterating through arrays using Numpy in Python

9) Shape of Arrays using Numpy in Python

10) Reshaping Arrays using Numpy in Python

11) Joining Arrays using Numpy in Python

12) Splitting Array using Numpy in Python

13) Sorting an Array using Numpy in Python

14) Searching in Array using Numpy in Python

15) Filtering an Array using Numpy in Python

16) Generating a Random Array using Numpy in Python

Who this course is for:

  • Engineering Students, Software Developers And Aspiring Data Scientists

This course includes:

  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

How to Subscribe For Python with NumPy For Absolute Beginners?

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